本文译自Youtube,原标题:Suspension bridge in India collapses for the second time in a year
A bridge in India fell into the River Ganges for the second time in a year while it was still under-construction.
The first collapse was caused by heavy rains and storms - it is unclear why it happened a second time.
Authorities have promised a full inquest into the accident.
stephen Newell
Once can be considered unfortunate, twice is carelessness!
This bridge is so short and yet it still collapse twice? Hope no one was hurt. This is just bad engineering.
Ray of Light 62
By watching how the pylons crumble, it could well be that the materials utilised for building the bridge were not behaving as the engineers expected them to...
Stephen Wright
I don"t think India will be winning any international contracts to construct a bridge anytime soon.
Kim Aik Un
This is the REAL showcase of the super hightech engineering construction from the 2020 Super Power India.
Li F
Let’s give credit where credit is due, those Indian engineers are great at demolition.
dd aa
In China, I saw that the newly built bridge was covered with tanks to check the bearing capacity of the bridge. I couldn’t imagine it in India. It collapsed twice while it was still under construction.
alex Lo
2000 years earlier. Chinese 1st emperor enforced a law demanding every production facilities inscribe or put their name on products they"ve made as a guarantee or punishment to be charged had it failure using. China archaeologists often see their logos in most artifacts they"ve discovered.
I"m surprised to see some Indians criticize China even under this video, while in fact China has built the world"s longest sea-crossings and highest suspension bridges that have withstood multiple typhoon events.
While there have been instances of older buildings cracking and collapsing, similar incidents have happened in Miami and Sydney without receiving much attention due to selective narrative. Failures in structures built in recent decades have been very rare, if any.
India acturally has many highly skilled engineers, but they face limitations due to sub-standard industrial capabilities and widespread corruption. China"s infrastructure capabilities are only matched by a few countries like Japan. I hope Indians can let go of stereotypes and work towards improving their country like many other Asian nations have done. A good start would be to embrace improvement through collaboration by stop excluding Chinese, Japanese, and German train technologies, and moving away from protectionist practices.
Ginger Chili
Cannot compare a water melon with a cherry���. They are two totally different levels. China builds mega bridges, tunnels, highrise building, railways in overseas whereas india cannot even built a proper bridge at home.
To anyone who’s ever felt that they’ve failed so much in life.
It’s finally time to relax because there’s the new champion!���
Fei & Yang
I hope everyone can recognize what a blessing this event is, to have happened BEFORE it is completed and put into use!
Their trains and boats were never this fortunate
omg, it"s a miracle! very difficult to see something collapsed so completely!
Vivo Y20
Sorry to say this..but this is the time indian goverment must take a break from international affairs and focusing into local issues..after train derailed n collided then this bridge snapped..so pls rebuilding ur internal strength before talking to much in world stage..modi ur billion of people and environment first...reduced ur international commitment by 50% and put some work internally..this an advice without bad intent from asian to asian..
Ben 4810
The problems of having a Korean architect & engineering consultant with a Korean/Indian jv contractor.....The language & cultural barriers must have been impossible at times.....
it had collapsed before now it collapsed again. If this were to happen in China, all western media would have made it a headline. but since it happened in india, a nation that is poor and it poses zero threat to the superpower, so the western politicians and media generally ignored it.
Pajeet Kumar
As an Indian������I humble ask the British Raj to please come back and rule India.
Htaukkyan Myo
A couple of weeks ago, Jake Sullivan flew to Saudi to convince MBS of US sponsored infrastructure projects to be built by India. I hope the Saudis are keeping a good look at this.
Gobi Subramaniam
It is possible that the River (Ganga) herself does not want the bridge to the there. They should move it to another location or a third collapse could occur as well.
The video title says "collapses for the second time in a YEAR" ? I think people are more interested to know the total number of collapses since it"s construction to fully understand the "made in India quality" of bridges���
veethevee Vong
My Mexican friend said Google and Microsoft are about to collapse like this bridge. First, i didnt get it. Then i found out both companies were managed by the Indian. Lol
Sean Xu
I guess its a good thing that it collapsed during construction. Imaging the bridge fill with thousands of people and hundreds of cars.
I say what I like and I like what I say!
Great Britain (the Raj) built that country and then left in 1947...since then what do ya expect when they use a sticky curry paste mixture as an adhesive! lol
英国(译注:the Raj,(1947 年前)英国对印度的统治)建立了那个国家,然后于1947年离开……从那时起,当他们用粘性咖喱酱混合物作为粘合剂时,你还能有什么指望!哈哈哈哈。
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